Data Structures Visualization | Log2Base2

Programs = Data Structures + Algorithms — Niklaus Wirth.

Time and memory are always a concern while solving a problem in programming. But if we choose the right data structure, we can solve any problem effectively with minimal time complexity.

Data Structure is a particular way of organizing the data so that it can be accessed and modified efficiently.

Many of us find it difficult to learn the data structures as it involves creating dynamic memory, linking those memory addresses, and changing it whenever the update happens. But it will be very easy to learn data structure when we able to visualize the concepts. Log2Base2 — The Visual Learning Platform provides an animated course to visualize data structures, algorithms concepts. Below you can find the animation videos to visualize the linked list concepts.

Data Structures Visualization

Data Structures Real-Life Applications

Linked List Visualization

Insert an element at a particular index in an array

Insert a node at the beginning of a linked list

Deleting a node in the linked list

Searching a node in a singly linked list

This is how animation helps us to visualize data structure concepts easily and effectively. You can visualize array, stack, queue, linked list, circular linked list, doubly linked list, binary search tree, graph, heap, etc using Log2Base2.


Happy Learning!



Log2Base2 — The Visual Learning Platform

Log2Base2 is the world’s first visual learning platform for computer programming. Visualize Data Structures and Algorithms using animation. (